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Harvester illegally on the main road on Rügen

Too wide and too lame: Police near Sehlen (Vorpommern-Rügen district) have taken a harvesting machine out of circulation whose driver had violated several regulations, a spokesman said on Friday.

A harvesting vehicle in the field.
A harvesting vehicle in the field.

Traffic - Harvester illegally on the main road on Rügen

Too wide and too lame: Police near Sehlen (Vorpommern-Rügen district) have taken a harvesting machine out of circulation whose driver had violated several regulations, a spokesperson said on Friday.

The sugar beet harvesting vehicle had already caused a huge traffic jam on federal highway 96 on Monday, whereupon officers inspected the machine. The result: at 3.3 meters, the so-called sugar beet harvester was wider than permitted and it was allowed to drive a maximum of 40 kilometers per hour. However, it was traveling on a main road on which vehicles must technically be able to travel at least 60 km/h, as the police explained.

Proceedings were initiated against the 29-year-old driver and his company for administrative offenses.

Press release

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