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"Harry Potter" is seen by a million people.

Since December 2021, the play 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' has been performed in Hamburg. The million mark will be reached soon.

Since December 2021, 1 million people have seen the theater piece in Hamburg.
Since December 2021, 1 million people have seen the theater piece in Hamburg.

- "Harry Potter" is seen by a million people.

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" in Hamburg has broken the million mark: On July 31, a million people will have seen the production running since December 2021 at the Großmarkt. Coincidentally, the day falls on the birthday of the literary hero Harry Potter, who, according to the children's book, was born on July 31.

With the play, a "magical audience magnet" has been established in Hamburg, said business manager Matthias Lienemann. The German-language version of the eighth book from the successful "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling is only being performed in Hamburg. It will also be coming to stages in London, Tokyo, and New York.

Many guests come to Hamburg for the Harry Potter play

"Over 70 percent of our guests come from the entire German-speaking area specifically to Hamburg to see the continuation of the Harry Potter saga live on stage." At the same time, customer surveys show that the show is the main reason for the trip to the Hanseatic city. "Many stay overnight and combine the theater visit with a city trip."

The story was initially - like in theaters on other continents - designed as a long two-part play. The five-hour version has been seen by around 350,000 people on the Elbe.

Since February, a shorter version has been running

Since February 2023, the condensed version, tailored to regular theater length, has been running. This allows more visitors to see the German-language theater play per day, as it can be performed twice. For comparison: The musical "The Lion King", which has been performed in the Hanseatic city since 2001, celebrated reaching the mark of 15 million visitors in May 2023.

Info about the theater play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

The German-language production of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" in Hamburg has attracted a significant number of visitors from within the German-speaking region, with over 70% traveling explicitly to see the continuation of the saga. Furthermore, the shorter version of the play, introduced in February 2023, allows for more visitors to experience the production daily, emulating the success of long-running shows like "The Lion King."

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