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Harris narrowly leads Trump in new survey

According to a new poll by Reuters/Ipsos, Vice President Kamala Harris has a narrow lead over Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. In the survey released on Tuesday (local time), Harris receives 44 percent, while Trump has 42 percent.

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Harris narrowly leads Trump in new survey

The nationwide survey was one of the first since President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the race for the White House. It was conducted on the two days following Biden's announcement, on Sunday and Monday. In the survey conducted the previous week, Harris and Trump were tied with 44% each.

Another survey conducted on Monday and released on Tuesday by PBS News/NPR/Marist shows Trump leading among registered US voters with 46%, while Harris comes in at 45%. Nine percent were undecided. According to other candidates, Harris and Trump are tied with 42% each.

The values in both the Reuters/Ipsos survey and the PBS News/NPR/Marist survey fall within the margin of error.

According to the PBS News survey, 87% of US citizens approve of Biden's decision to withdraw from the race for the White House. Forty-one percent of respondents stated that Biden's decision increases the Democrats' chances of winning the November election. Twenty-four percent said it decreases the party's chances, while 34% reported that it makes no difference.

Biden announced his decision to withdraw from the race on Sunday. He is currently 59 years old and is considered the favorite for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

In the original survey conducted prior to Biden's announcement, Harris and Trump were equal at 44%. The Reuters report highlighted Biden's decision to withdraw from the race on Sunday. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's potential running mate, was mentioned in the context of tying with Trump in certain surveys. Donald Trump and Harris received similar support in multiple surveys, as mentioned by various candidates.

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