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Harris criticizes Trump sharply at campaign appearance in Milwaukee

US Vice President Kamala Harris criticized her Republican rival Donald Trump sharply during her first campaign appearance in her new role as potential presidential candidate. Trump follows a backward-looking policy, Harris stated at an event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Tuesday to the cheers of...

Kamala Harris in her speech in Milwaukee
Kamala Harris in her speech in Milwaukee

Harris criticizes Trump sharply at campaign appearance in Milwaukee

You know men like Trump, Harris said and repeated statements from Monday, referring to the fact that she had dealt with such men during her time as District Attorney.

Harris told the crowd in Milwaukee, "I will proudly present my record against his [Trump's] at every opportunity." A focal point of her speech was the right to abortion. Harris accused Trump of wanting to ban abortions. "We trust that women make decisions about their own bodies and not be dictated to by the government as to what they should do," she said.

Since the withdrawal of US President Joe Biden from the race for the White House, Harris is considered the favorite for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

According to her own statements, Harris has now secured the support of sufficient delegates to be officially declared the Democratic nominee at the Chicago convention in August. According to her campaign team, she has already raised over one hundred million dollars in donations since announcing her candidacy.

Biden announced his withdrawal from the race on Sunday due to doubts about his mental and physical fitness. Harris endorsed him. Biden, who is 81 years old, had come under increasing criticism following a weak performance in a TV debate against Trump.

The Republican Party convention took place in Milwaukee the previous week, where Trump was officially declared the Republican presidential candidate. Wisconsin was a contested swing state in the 2020 presidential election, and it is considered one of the key states in the upcoming election.

  1. Despite Kamala Harris' critique of men like Donald Trump, she still believes in the importance of unity within the Democratic Party, as evidenced by her endorsement of Joe Biden.
  2. During her campaign appearance in Milwaukee, Harris emphasized her commitment to defending women's reproductive rights, criticizing Trump's stance on abortions.
  3. As the Democratic Party favors Kamala Harris as their presidential nominee following Joe Biden's withdrawal, critics argue that the men in her past as District Attorney should also be scrutinized.
  4. At the Republican Party's campaign appearance in Milwaukee, Donald Trump's opponents highlighted his controversial policies, including his intentions to ban abortions, as reasons for voters to choose against him.
  5. In her speech at the Milwaukee rally, Kamala Harris emphasized her strong opposition to Donald Trump's policies, drawing attention to their contrasting records on issues like reproductive rights.

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