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Hardly any storm operations in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein

Despite warnings of flooding, the situation in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein remained calm on Wednesday night. "We had a lot of rain, but nothing dramatic for us," reported the Hamburg police on Wednesday morning.

Heavy rain pelting down on a road during a thunderstorm.
Heavy rain pelting down on a road during a thunderstorm.

Severe weather warning - Hardly any storm operations in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein

Despite warnings of flooding, the situation in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein remained calm on Wednesday night. "We had a lot of rain, but nothing dramatic for us," reported the Hamburg police on Wednesday morning.

The central police control centers in Schleswig-Holstein also reported a quiet night. In Quickborn, a ditch overflowed during the night - the water had to be pumped off a road. No one was injured, according to the police in Elmshorn.

On Wednesday, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein can expect even more storms and rain. According to forecasts by the German Weather Service (DWD), the continuous rain is expected to continue until late afternoon. Gusts of up to 80 kilometers per hour are expected in some areas.

DWD forecast, as of 4.01 a.m.

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