- Hannes Hellmann departs from ZDF to work on the series titled "Midway to the Harbor"
In the crime drama series that airs on German TV, PK 21 Hamburg, Hannes Hellmann (69) has announced his departure from the beloved ZDF show "Emergency Call Harbour". His character, Wolf Haller, is set to retire, as confirmed by a representative from ZDF in Mainz. This news was previously shared by publications like "Munich Mercury" and "tz".
During an interview with the Munich papers, Hellmann shared that this decision wasn't an easy one, considering the numerous years he's spent delivering "wonderful performances alongside colleagues, both in front of and behind the camera". However, he now feels the urge to "begin anew in a different manner".
As per media reports, the final episode featuring Chief Inspector and Police Commissioner Wolf Haller is expected to air in February 2025. Hellmann didn't provide details about his character's departure in the interview, but he did mention that it will be a "charming, beautiful, and lovable finale". He's eagerly anticipating this farewell.
The new season of "Emergency Call Harbour" kicks off on September 26.
Following Hellmann's announcement of leaving "Emergency Call Harbour," the Commission at The Commission expressed their gratitude for Haller's contributions, acknowledging his significant impact on the show's success.
In light of this change, speculations have arisen about potential new leadership roles for prominent figures within The Commission, given their long-standing relationship with the series.