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Hannawald on Eisenbichler: "It's up to him to wake up now"

Former top ski jumper Markus Eisenbichler is in a sporting crisis and will miss the Four Hills Tournament. From Sven Hannawald's point of view, the former world champion's career is under threat.

Markus Eisenbichler.
Markus Eisenbichler.

Ski jumping - Hannawald on Eisenbichler: "It's up to him to wake up now"

Ski jumping legend Sven Hannawald believes the current sporting crisis of long-time top performer Markus Eisenbichler is also due to the 32-year-old's character. "Markus either has to wake up or stick to his own path. But then the end of his career will be relatively close," Hannawald told "Sportschau". Former world champion Eisenbichler has not yet made the World Cup team this season. He is also not in the German line-up for the Four Hills Tournament, which starts this Friday in Oberstdorf (17:15/ARD and Eurosport).

"I'm also very negatively surprised. I saw him at one of the last fall training courses. What I saw there was great," said Hannawald. "He also dominated at the German championships in practice runs and in training. I also have a lot of question marks. He turns in circles and stands on his feet. The coaches have done everything for him. It's now up to him to wake up."

National coach Stefan Horngacher recently criticized Eisenbichler in no uncertain terms. "I know that Markus Eisenbichler is a difficult character, but he has already flown the flag for Germany," said Hannawald. The last German tour winner to date added: "Even in these phases, you could see that it was difficult to convince Markus of the right path. Because he always thinks that only he himself is on the right track. What Stefan Horngacher is now also letting out are things that have been difficult to bear for some time."

Information about the Four Hills Tournament Results Four Hills Tournament The overall World Cup standings News about ski jumping at the German Ski Association Sportschau interview

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