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Handcart with five children falls into river: uninjured

A handcart with five children ends up in a river. They are rescued from the water by passers-by, among others.

A blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine.
A blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine.

Zweibrücken - Handcart with five children falls into river: uninjured

A stroller with five kindergarten children fell into the river in Zweibrücken on a Friday. Teachers and passersby jumped into the Schwarzbach and rescued the children from the water, as the city of Zweibrücken reported. Apparently, the children remained unharmed. They were examined by pediatricians or at the hospital afterwards.

The teachers had reportedly lost control over the stroller for an unexplained reason. Firefighters helped a teacher out of the river who was trapped under the stroller. The children had already been rescued from the water at that point, it was stated.

The educator involved in the incident mentioned earlier was fortunate enough to seek help from the local fire department, having gotten trapped under the handcart in the river. Remarkably, this incident happened in the same location where the river accident occurred, namely Schwarzbach in Zweibrücken. Following the incident, the educator expressed a renewed emphasis on safety measures during outdoor activities with children.

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