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Hamburg's SPD perceives itself as the most powerful contender in local elections.

In a landslide victory, the Greens ousted the SPD as the strongest party in the 2019 Hamburg district elections. The political landscape has shifted. The Social Democrats have reemerged.

SPD state chairwoman Melanie Leonhard at a party conference.
SPD state chairwoman Melanie Leonhard at a party conference.

Government Affairs - Hamburg's SPD perceives itself as the most powerful contender in local elections.

The SPD celebrates victory in Hamburg district assembly election, led by Melanie Leonhard and Nils Weiland. Their engagement in local issues and anchoring themselves across neighborhoods helped them overcome negative federal trends. With a strong showing in all seven districts, they remain the dominant force at the district level. Preliminary results show the SPD leading in Harburg (28.4%), ahead of the CDU (23.1%) and the Greens (15.8%). In Mitte, the SPD was also in the lead, while in Wandsbek it was in a close competition with the CDU. Minor gains were seen in other districts as well. The AfD, though gaining significantly, did so on a lower level, with 14.3% in Harburg and 14.4% in counted Bergedorf. Their presence in all district assemblies is viewed as a great success, giving the party momentum for the upcoming citizen election in 2025 and ensuring that they won't be marginalized by established parties.


  1. What is the main topic of this story?
  2. Which political party is being discussed in the story?
  3. What districts did the SPD lead in, according to the data provided?
  4. What party was in a close competition with the SPD in Wandsbek?
  5. How did the SPD perform in districts other than Harburg, Mitte, and Wandsbek?
  6. How has the SPD managed to overcome negative federal trends?
  7. What impact will this election have on the upcoming citizen election in 2025?
  8. Which party is expected to be marginalized by the established parties, according to Dirk Nockemann?

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