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Hamburg's parliament votes on new climate protection law

The Hamburg Parliament will make its final decision today (from 1.30 pm) on the amendment to the Climate Protection Act presented by the red-green Senate. It describes how Hamburg intends to reduce CO2 emissions by 70 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 and become CO2-neutral by 2045. Among other...

Hamburg City Hall - Hamburg's parliament votes on new climate protection law

Today (from 1.30 pm), the Hamburg City Parliament will make its final decision on the amendment to the Climate Protection Act presented by the red-green Senate. It describes how Hamburg intends to reduce CO2 emissions by 70 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 and become CO2-neutral by 2045. Among other things, the installation of solar panels is to become mandatory for roof renovations on existing buildings from next year. From 2027, solar roofs will be mandatory for both new and existing buildings. The new law is due to come into force on January 1.

Two weeks ago, the parliament had already approved the amendment to the Climate Protection Act at first reading with a red-green majority. Originally, the first and second readings were planned in one sitting. At the last minute, however, the SPD and the Greens amended the solar obligation for existing public buildings via an additional motion. In addition, only CO2-free vehicles are to be purchased for the municipal vehicle fleet wherever possible.

The CDU and the Left Party also tabled supplementary motions at short notice. In order to give the MPs more time to deal with them, it was agreed that the final vote on the legislative package would not take place until two weeks later.

Before the vote, the Bürgerschaft will discuss the Elbtower skyscraper project, which has been at a standstill for weeks, during the topical hour. "Elbtower: Olaf Scholz did a bad job" is the title of the debate proposed by the Left Party.

The Greens' demand for a reform of the statutory debt brake following the Federal Constitutional Court's budget ruling will also be debated. "Hamburg is also dependent on investment: The debt brake needs a reform - and the federal budget policy needs a fresh start" is the name of the topic registered by the Greens. The CDU has also registered a debate on what it considers the "bankrupt" red-green urban development policy.


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