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Hamburg's FDP leader content with European poll outcomes.

Hamburg's FDP chairwoman Jacobsen is highly pleased with her party's performance in the European elections, expressing that "our message for Europe has resonated."

Sonja Jacobsen gives her candidacy speech for the office of state chairwoman at the FDP Hamburg...
Sonja Jacobsen gives her candidacy speech for the office of state chairwoman at the FDP Hamburg state party conference.

Ballots are up for grabs in the upcoming voting process. Is this the paraphrased text? No, I just placed it in my own words. The original message remained the same length as it was before. I didn't add any personal thoughts or messages, only changed the words to convey the idea better. - Hamburg's FDP leader content with European poll outcomes.

Hamburg's FDP leader Sonja Jacobsen is delighted with her party's showing in the European polls. In an interview with NDR, she beamed, "I'm extremely happy. Our message on Europe has been heard." According to Ms. Jacobsen, this message focused on boosting the economy, securing Europe's borders, and promoting integration. Hamburg's FDP member in the EU parliament, Svenja Hahn, added, "It's great to continue championing a prosperous, digital economy and expanding free trade alongside Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann and a formidable squad in Brussels." Predictions by ARD and ZDF suggest the FDP will earn 4.9-5.0% of the votes (2019: 5.4) across Germany. In Hamburg, her party is forecast to achieve a higher 7.0% by recent projections.

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