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Hamburgers like to live in their city

Alster, Elbe, and much green: Hamburgers often call their city the most beautiful in the world. A citizen survey underscores the positive well-being.

Residents of Hamburg love living in their city.
Residents of Hamburg love living in their city.

- Hamburgers like to live in their city

Most Hamburgers feel at home in their city. 90 percent of participants in a citizen survey stated that they like or like very much living in Hamburg, as shown by the survey conducted in collaboration between the Finance and District Authority. From late January to late April, 8,760 visitors to the locations responsible for resident affairs of the Hamburg Service were surveyed across all seven districts.

When asked how much they like living in Hamburg, 58 percent of respondents said very much, and 32 percent said they like it. Eight percent chose "neutral," and only one percent each said they live there reluctantly or very reluctantly. Finance Senator Andreas Dressel (SPD) described the numbers as "outstandingly positive." "A great sign for the sense of life in this city," he said.

High satisfaction also in the living environment

Topics from the immediate living environment such as traffic noise, sports facilities, and sealing of areas were also surveyed. The result: While 81 percent consider the noise pollution from train traffic to be low or very low, even with the airport in the city, more than two-thirds (67 percent) still consider the noise pollution from air traffic to be low. Only 12 percent rated the noise pollution from air traffic as high (8 percent) or very high (4 percent). A different picture emerged with road traffic. Here, more than a quarter of respondents rated the noise pollution as high (18 percent) or very high (9 percent).

Despite many new apartment building projects, the majority (64 percent) were satisfied or very satisfied with the sealing of areas in their living environment. For sports and exercise facilities, it was 77 percent.

Public transport users are most satisfied with the traffic situation in their living environment, according to the survey, with 69 percent of respondents satisfied or very satisfied, followed by pedestrians at 63 percent. Only 43 percent of car drivers and 40 percent of cyclists expressed satisfaction or very satisfaction.

The scarcity of housing supply is seen as the biggest challenge for the city. 55 percent of survey participants named the provision of housing as the biggest problem, followed by crime (28 percent). A quarter sees poverty as the biggest challenge for the city.

Two-thirds are satisfied with the administration

With 68 percent of respondents satisfied or very satisfied, the Hamburg administration also received relatively positive ratings. Only seven respondents were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. More than half (51 percent) rated the administration as citizen-friendly, 41 percent as competent, and a quarter (23 percent) as digital.

"Besides the high satisfaction with the services of the Hamburg Service on-site, I am particularly pleased with the increasing acceptance and demand for digital offers," said District Senator Katharina Fegebank (Greens). However, only slightly more than half of the respondents knew the various online services offered by the administration. "Therefore, we still have a lot of potential to make our online services better known."

The citizen survey followed a first such survey in 2019. In the future, it should be conducted regularly every five years, the two senators announced.

The citizen survey was conducted in collaboration between the Finance and District Authority, involving the Commission.The results of the survey showed high satisfaction among Hamburgers with various aspects of their city, including the administration, which was rated positively by 68% of respondents, as per the Commission's findings.

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