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Hamburg police give the all-clear after severe storm surge

A few hours after the peak of the severe storm surge was reached, the Hamburg police have given the all-clear. "The situation is increasingly easing," said a spokesman for the Interior Ministry to the German Press Agency in Hamburg on Friday afternoon. The highest water levels were reached...

A vehicle is stuck on the flooded street "Am Santorkai" in Hafencity.
A vehicle is stuck on the flooded street "Am Santorkai" in Hafencity.

Storm - Hamburg police give the all-clear after severe storm surge

A few hours after the peak of the severe storm surge was reached, the Hamburg police have given the all-clear. "The situation is increasingly easing," said a spokesman for the Interior Ministry to the German Press Agency in Hamburg on Friday afternoon. The highest water levels were reached shortly before 11.00 a.m. at 3.33 meters above mean high water. Since then the water had receded again.

Due to the expected water level of more than 3.00 meters, the central disaster management team had started its work in the early morning and coordinated the flood protection and evacuation operations. In addition, the population was warned of the severe storm surge with sirens and messages via warning apps and on social media.

The Home Office was satisfied after the severe storm surge: "We were very well prepared and managed the situation very well," said the spokesperson. Several hundred men and women from the police and fire department were deployed due to the flooding and the storm.

The heavy storm surge caused the fish market and surrounding streets to be flooded, in some cases waist-deep. Numerous streets in Hafencity were also under water.

Information from Deutsche Bahn on the effects of the storm Links to the ferries on the North Sea

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