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Hamburg citizens have been making extensive use of metro trains and buses now more than ever.

Following a decline during the COVID-19 outbreak, Hamburger Hochbahn has achieved a new milestone by recording 468 million passenger trips. The company's revenue also significantly increased to reach 587.7 million euros.

A subway train pulls into Landungsbrücken station in the early morning.
A subway train pulls into Landungsbrücken station in the early morning.

Train tracks - Hamburg citizens have been making extensive use of metro trains and buses now more than ever.

Hamburg locals have made greater use of Hochbahn's U-Bahns and buses than ever before within the last year. With a total of 468 million rides logged, this reflects a 21% surge compared to 2022. Hochbahn, the second-largest public transportation company in Germany, released this update on Thursday. This amounts to about one million more than in the high-performing year of 2019.

As per the data shared, the revenue for Hochbahn also grew by 19% to 587.7 million Euro and eclipsed the revenue of the last pre-COVID year 2019 - an uptick of 10%. Despite increased costs - energy expenses have doubled compared to 2018, reaching 61 million Euro - the city covered 295 million Euro in expenses in the previous year. The company was also paid 85.7 million Euro in reimbursement for revenue losses via the Germany ticket.

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