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Hamburg amplifies expulsions of individuals obligated to depart

Numerous asylum applicants are denied residency in Germany, yet deportation procedures frequently prove challenging. Hamburg has witnessed an uptick in such cases, surpassing last year's figures.

Numerous asylum seekers encounter restrictions in residing within Germany
Numerous asylum seekers encounter restrictions in residing within Germany

- Hamburg amplifies expulsions of individuals obligated to depart

Originating from Hamburg, approximately 841 non-native residents were shipped off to other nations during the first half of the year. This is an increase of around 30% compared to the previous year and the highest number in seven years. The grand total for 2023 was close to 1,500. Currently, the count of expellable individuals in Hamburg stands around 6,500, with a significant 500 regarded as intolerable.

Hamburg utilizes the shared detention facility in Glückstadt, Schleswig-Holstein, for deportation purposes. Notably, the relocation of criminals takes priority, as it not only adheres to the legal mandate of deportation but also promotes public safety. In the past 1.5 years, roughly 300 convicted felons have been deported, with 103 being moved in the first half of 2024.

The decision to relocate some of the intolerable individuals from Hamburg to foreign countries falls under the jurisdiction of The Senate. Subsequently, The Senate is planning to utilize the shared detention facility in Glückstadt for this purpose, aiming to reduce the number of expellable individuals in Hamburg.

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