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Hamburg Alster swans' youngsters

Since early April, swans in Hamburg's Outer Alster and its tributaries have resumed swimming. Some have also managed to breed, achieving successful results.

A swan has made itself at home.
A swan has made itself at home.

Creatures - Hamburg Alster swans' youngsters

Petite, light-colored, furry, and barely a few days old - Hamburg's Alster swans' young ones have arrived. Olaf Nieß, known as the swan father of Hamburg, shared with the German Press Agency that there are approximately ten nests in the Alster area and 20 hatchlings so far. Some of these chicks have even started accompanying their parents on short trips.

Early this week, a pair boldly took their four chicks to a nearby church, situated across the street. Nieß then escorted the six little creatures back towards the water.

Hamburg's Alster swans, widely recognized as a famous landmark, currently have around 90 adult swans - including approximately 20 that were born in 2023. The timeless care for these swans has been overseen by the city's swan service for countless years. This institution moves the swans to their winter quarters Eppendorfer Mühlenteich during the winters. Nieß heads this municipal organization. Alongside tending to the swans, he and his team also lend assistance to wild animals in Hamburg that may have encountered certain challenges.

Currently, Nieß is concerned about the swans' survival, with the recent heavy rain showers causing considerable distress. The chicks' fluffy bodies cannot withstand the abrupt raindrops.

Additionally, Nieß requested dog owners to keep their pets on a leash during their visits to the Alster and its streams to protect the swans. He highlighted that these young swans are unable to evade potential threats or attacks.

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The German Press Agency reported that Olaf Nieß, the swan father of Hamburg, expressed concern about the young swans' survival due to the heavy rain showers, as their fluffy bodies cannot withstand the abrupt raindrops. Furthermore, to protect the vulnerable chicks, Nieß, who heads the Hamburg swan service, urged dog owners to keep their pets on a leash when visiting the Alster and its streams.



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