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Halmich pondered his combat against Raab for three weeks.

A former boxer carefully considered the prospect of facing an entertainer before giving her approval, repeatedly reflecting on the decision. To this day, a specific query has not left her mind.

Former boxing world champion Regina Halmich and TV presenter Stefan Raab box against each other in...
Former boxing world champion Regina Halmich and TV presenter Stefan Raab box against each other in the sold-out Kölnarena.

Press outlets rewrite information. - Halmich pondered his combat against Raab for three weeks.

Originally, former Profiboxer Regina Halmich was unsure if she should face entertainer Stefan Raab in a boxing match. "I wrestled with the decision for about three weeks," mentioned the 47-year-old at the TV Congress Screenforce Day Festival in Düsseldorf. The event will take place on September 14th in the city, with RTL broadcasting the show.

Halmich expressed some doubts, "I wondered about his motivation for wanting to battle me. We're all questioning why he would do that." However, she decided to accept the challenge. "After some time, I concluded that maybe I could win. If he's willing to face off against me three times in boxing matches - then so be it." Within moments of the announcement, ticket sales quickly soared to 15,000. "It's astonishing. This is going to be big. Stefan weighs at least 30 kilos more than me. It's going to be an exciting battle." Halmich hasn't boxed since 2004 but plans to return under the guidance of her old coach. "I trust in myself. I wouldn't accept the match if I didn't feel confident."

Raab will soon reemerge on television after a prolonged absence. Around 2015, he cut back on public appearances. Since then, he's been working behind the scenes. Previously, he featured in a stage performance in Cologne, but it was never televised.

This latest encounter marks the third time Raab (57, "TV total") has challenged Halmich, losing both previous bouts in 2001 and 2007. During one of the fights, he suffered a broken nose. This upcoming clash will be named "The Clark Final Fight" by RTL.

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