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Halle temporarily withdrew OB Wiegand's retirement status in September.

Recently, Halle's mayor Bernd Wiegand has been unable to carry out his official responsibilities. Commencing September, he will formally retire. As a consequence, Halle requires a new figure to oversee its municipal affairs.

Halle's previous Mayor, Bernd Wiegand, is opting for an early retirement effective from September....
Halle's previous Mayor, Bernd Wiegand, is opting for an early retirement effective from September. (Archived image)

- Halle temporarily withdrew OB Wiegand's retirement status in September.

In Halle, a new city mayor is due to be chosen soon. As confirmed by a city council member to the German Press Agency, the city council has agreed to a retirement application from the temporarily suspended mayor, Bernd Wiegand. Originally, Wiegand was set to serve until 2026.

The council made the decision in a private meeting held on a Wednesday evening, as it pertained to personnel matters. reports suggest that Wiegand will retire on September 1st.

A disciplinary proceeding involving the non-partisan politician has been in progress since early 2021. During this time, he has been prohibited from performing his duties and has had to address numerous accusations.

Aside from other charges, Wiegand was found guilty of perjury by the Halle Regional Court in April of this year. He was ordered to pay a fine of €16,800. Wiegand has since appealed the decision.

The city council's decision to approve Wiegand's retirement application will be handled by the Municipalitaet, as the new mayor's election in Halle approaches. Following Wiegand's retirement on September 1st, the responsibilities of the city mayor will temporarily shift within the Municipalitaet until a successor is elected.

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