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Halle Berry continuefully expresses disappointment annually regarding the Oscars.

Halle Berry earned the title of the first black woman to secure the Best Actress Oscar in 2002, recognition she gained for her performance in 'Monster's Ball'. She later divulged her feelings of dissatisfaction with this triumph.

Over the years, Halle Berry has expressed disappointment while observing the Oscars.
Over the years, Halle Berry has expressed disappointment while observing the Oscars.

- Halle Berry continuefully expresses disappointment annually regarding the Oscars.

Halle Berry, a renowned American actress, has been watching the Oscars annually with disappointment, she admitted. "I'm genuinely upset that no Black female artist has claimed the Best Actress Oscar since me," the 58-year-old shared with Marie Claire magazine. "This fact saddens me year after year. And it's not because no worthy contender exists."

Berry made history in 2002 when she became the first Black woman to win the Oscar for Best Actress for her performance in the drama "Monster's Ball." She emotionally declared that night, "Tonight, a door has been unlocked." Regrettably, no other Black woman has received the accolade since then.

Simultaneously, Berry emphasized that accolades are not the be-all and end-all: "Would I prefer a trophy cabinet or a successful, stable, and ascending career as a Black woman? I'd pick the grueling career over the prize every day." Her upcoming thriller, "Never Let Go," is scheduled for release on September 26.

The lack of a Black woman winning the Best Actress Oscar since Halle Berry in 2002 has been a persistent issue within The Community of film enthusiasts and advocates for diversity. Despite her belief that accolades aren't the sole measure of success, Berry's victory with "Monster's Ball" significantly opened doors for other Black women in the industry.

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