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Hall with yacht burns at shipyard on the Kiel Canal

A hall at the Lürssen shipyard is on fire. A yacht inside is also on fire. The fire department is on site with many firefighters.

Dark clouds of smoke billow out of a hall on the railings of the Lürssen-Kröger shipyard
Dark clouds of smoke billow out of a hall on the railings of the Lürssen-Kröger shipyard

Fire department operation - Hall with yacht burns at shipyard on the Kiel Canal

At the Lürssen-Kroger yard in Schacht-Audorf near the Nord-Ostsee Canal, close to the Radar High Bridge, a fire has broken out. A ship hall, in which a yacht is located, is burning, according to a fire department spokesperson. Around 200 firefighters are on site to extinguish the flames.

According to the police, the fire has been contained to the hall. Other buildings are reportedly unaffected. The surrounding buildings have been secured and protected. An attempt is being made to enter the burning hall to cool it down.

The yard has been evacuated. Traffic on the Nord-Ostsee Canal is reportedly not affected. Due to the strong smoke development, the population in the area is asked to keep windows and doors closed and to turn off ventilation and air conditioning systems. According to the police, one person sustained minor gas poisoning.

Lürssen Yard Builds Many Luxury Yachts

The Lürssen shipyard group has its headquarters in Bremen and specializes in the construction of luxury yachts. At the Schacht-Audorf location, according to company statements, medium and large yachts between 55 and 110 meters in length are built, as well as refits and maintenance work on smaller ships.

See above in the video: "Silver Ray" is the name of the new cruise ship of Meyer Werft. However, before the luxury liner with eight restaurants and a fitness center can set sail, it must be transported through the Ems river.

  1. The fire department operation at the Lürssen-Kroger yard in Germany has drawn significant top news headlines, with 200 firefighters working to extinguish the flames.
  2. Despite the ongoing fire department operation, the German economy is reportedly not impacted, as traffic on the Nord-Ostsee Canal remains unaffected.
  3. The fire department's efforts to cool down the burning ship hall in the Lürssen yard might be influenced by recent improvements in firefighting technology and techniques, based on Germany's strong focus on technological innovation in the shipyard industry.
  4. The incident at the Lürssen-Kroger yard, being one of Germany's prominent shipyards known for building luxury yachts, underscores the importance of maintaining rigorous safety protocols in such high-risk industries.

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