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Half a million in property damage after fire in apartment building

A fire in an apartment building in Harsefeld (Stade district) caused property damage of around 500,000 euros early on Sunday morning. Nobody was injured in the fire, as the police explained on Sunday. It was initially unclear how the fire broke out in the first floor apartment.

A fire department vehicle with its blue lights switched on at an emergency scene.
A fire department vehicle with its blue lights switched on at an emergency scene.

Stade - Half a million in property damage after fire in apartment building

A fire in an apartment building in Harsefeld (Stade district) caused property damage of around 500,000 euros early on Sunday morning. Nobody was injured in the fire, as the police explained on Sunday. It was initially unclear how the fire was able to break out in the first floor apartment.

The residents of the apartment were not at home at the time of the fire. Due to the heavy smoke, the remaining apartments in the apartment building were evacuated. All four apartments are now no longer habitable. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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