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Halemba case continues to occupy AfD

The case of Würzburg fraternity member Daniel Halemba continues to occupy the Bavarian AfD in the new year. On Tuesday evening, the question of possible expulsion proceedings against the 22-year-old member of the state parliament is to be discussed by the party's state executive committee,...

Daniel Halemba, AfD politician, takes part in a plenary session in the Bavarian state
Daniel Halemba, AfD politician, takes part in a plenary session in the Bavarian state parliament.

Right-wing extremism - Halemba case continues to occupy AfD

The case of Würzburg fraternity member Daniel Halemba continues to occupy the Bavarian AfD in the new year. On Tuesday evening, the question of possible expulsion proceedings against the 22-year-old member of the state parliament will be discussed by the party's state executive committee, according to executive committee circles. However, it is questionable whether a decision will be made.

Halemba is accused of having admitted members to the AfD in Lower Franconia without the required residency check. In this way, he is said to have supported his election as a candidate for the state parliament. According to party circles, the legal situation is unclear. Halemba himself resigned from his party offices and has suspended his membership. However, he intends to retain his seat as a member of parliament. Federal AfD chairwoman Alice Weidel had spoken out in favor of expulsion proceedings. Parts of the state parliamentary group and parts of the state executive committee support the young MP.

The public prosecutor's office in Würzburg is also investigating Halemba for incitement of the people, among other things. The AfD politician had written "Sieg Heil" in a guest book of the student fraternity Teutonia Prag zu Würzburg, of which he is a member and which is monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

The Bavarian AfD is heading towards a state party conference in a few days' time, at which the entire state executive committee around state leader Stephan Protschka will be up for election. Some members of the executive committee had questioned whether they would run for office again, partly due to tensions within the party.

Read also:

  1. The case of Right-wing extremism within the AfD in Germany has once again come to the fore, this time involving a member from Lower Franconia, Daniel Halemba.
  2. The Bavarian AfD party is facing internal turmoil, as the case of Halemba's alleged support of extreme ideologies through party membership looms over their upcoming state party conference in Würzburg.
  3. The investigation into Halemba's involvement in Right-wing extremism extends beyond the AfD, with the public prosecutor in Würzburg also investigating him for incitement of the people, including writing "Sieg Heil" in a fraternity guest book.
  4. The issue of Right-wing extremism within political parties like the AfD in Germany has been a contentious one, with parties like the Greens and the SPD calling for stricter measures to combat it.


