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Hacker attack further severely restricts Vorpommern-Rügen

The work of the administration of the district of Vorpommern-Rügen is still severely restricted following a hacker attack. "We are working at full speed to remedy the consequences. This will take some time," the district announced on its website on Monday. The administration can still only be...

Letters and numbers light up on a screen on which a hacker program is open.
Letters and numbers light up on a screen on which a hacker program is open.

Cybercrime - Hacker attack further severely restricts Vorpommern-Rügen

The work of the administration of the district of Vorpommern-Rügen is still severely restricted following a hacker attack. "We are working at full speed to remedy the consequences. This will take some time," the district announced on its website on Monday. The administration can still only be reached by telephone or post. E-mails could neither be received from outside nor sent to the outside.

Digital citizen services are out of order. These include vehicle registration, meeting registrations and contact forms. It is expected that it will be possible to say on Friday when the individual administrative services will be available again. Social benefits could be paid out.

Last week, it became known that the district's IT had been attacked. According to the administration, IT systems were therefore disconnected from the network. The disconnection was initially scheduled to last until the beginning of this week.

The planning company Inros Lackner in Rostock also recently fell victim to a cyber attack, as did Rostocker Straßenbahn AG (RSAG).

Press release from the district of Vorpommern-Rügen Inros Lackner

Read also:

  1. The recent hacker attack on the IT infrastructure of the County of Vorpommern-Rügen has affected numerous municipalities within the region.
  2. Stralsund, being one of the major municipalities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, is also facing challenges due to this cybercrime incident.
  3. Despite the district's announcement, many people are resorting to using the Internet to communicate with the authorities, leading to frustration as e-mails continue to remain unavailable.
  4. The police in the County of Vorpommern-Rügen have increased surveillance and investigations to combat the rising trend of cybercrime, including hacker attacks, in the region.


