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Aerial photographs show the Ilm river having burst its banks.
Aerial photographs show the Ilm river having burst its banks.

Intense Weather Condition - Habek inspects the flooded region.

Robert Habeck, Vice Chancellor and a Green Party member, paid a visit to the disaster-stricken region in Upper Bavaria. While there, he expressed his deep admiration for the efforts of the rescue teams. The tragic death of a firefighter left him speechless, as he put it, " his rubber boots got a shock." During a joint tour of Reichertshofen with Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (both CSU), Habeck was reminded of the selfless dedication of these brave individuals. He reiterated that all resources must be mobilized to save those in danger. In the event of any more requests for help, he assured that they would not be disregarded. By witnessing the aftermath firsthand, Habeck was able to better understand the hazards faced by these dedicated volunteers and professional rescuers.

Read also:

  1. Unfortunately, another emergency arose in the flood zone of Upper Bavaria, requiring the immediate response of more rescue workers.
  2. Despite the harsh weather conditions and the ongoing storm in Germany, the rescue efforts in Bavaria continue relentlessly, with emergency services working around the clock.
  3. In light of the numerous emergencies and the importance of the situation, Robert Habeck emphasized the need for increased funding and resources for Bavarian flood zones.
  4. As the death toll from weather-related emergencies rises, the German government pledged its full support to the affected communities and promised to assign additional rescue teams to the region.
  5. During his visit to the flooded region in Upper Bavaria, Habeck promised to advocate for stricter building regulations and safety standards in flood zones to prevent such tragedies in the future.

