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Habeck defends decision on agricultural diesel

Economics Minister Habeck admits that the federal government's austerity plans will cause hardship for farmers. This is unlikely to reassure those affected. Protest is also growing louder in the CDU/CSU.

Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck comments on the planned abolition of the agricultural diesel
Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck comments on the planned abolition of the agricultural diesel subsidy.

Before farmers' protests - Habeck defends decision on agricultural diesel

Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) has defended the planned abolition of tax breaks for agricultural diesel ahead of the protests by farmers planned for Monday.

At the same time, he defended Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) against criticism. "The Federal Chancellor, the Finance Minister and I had to make the decision on the agricultural diesel subsidy as part of an overall solution," Habeck told dpa. "That was not easy and I am also aware of the hardships. The Minister of Agriculture has warned against scrapping the agricultural diesel subsidy. Cem Özdemir knows the situation of farmers and the burden and has made this very clear."

Habeck said that he had also discussed these arguments with the government partners. "But as a result of the ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, we have to make do with less money and restrict spending. And the three of us have made this decision as part of the overall package."

Farmers' protest announced in Berlin

The German Farmers' Association has called for a rally in Berlin this Monday under the slogan "Too much is too much". The aim is to show outrage at the end of regulations on agricultural diesel and vehicle tax exemptions for agriculture and forestry.

Protests against cuts in the agricultural sector are also growing louder within the CDU/CSU. "The traffic lights are gambling away the last spark of confidence in the agricultural and food industry in Germany," said the deputy CDU chairwoman and member of the Bundestag Silvia Breher to dpa. The green sector would be burdened with almost one billion euros per year. "This decision does nothing for the climate, because there are no alternatives available to farmers and foresters." There is neither planning security nor would the necessary financial resources be provided for the conversion of animal husbandry.

The head of the economic wing of the CDU/CSU, Gitta Connemann, warned that no fields could be cultivated without diesel: "A cost explosion is inevitable." The CDU MP and chairwoman of the Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsunion told dpa: "The plans of the Ampel seem like a special sacrifice. One percent of the population is to bear ten percent of the savings." There is a threat of further relocation of food production.

Following lengthy negotiations with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), Economics Minister Habeck agreed on Wednesday on how to plug billions of euros in the federal budget for 2024 and in the climate and transformation fund following a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court. This also includes the plans for cuts in the agricultural sector.

Press release farmers' association call for demonstration

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