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Günther hopes for a less challenging year in 2024

More time for the family: Minister President Daniel Günther has a specific rule that he wants to adhere to even more strictly in 2024.

Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther in Kiel.
Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther in Kiel.

Prime Minister - Günther hopes for a less challenging year in 2024

Time with his family will remain important to Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther in 2024. He is very disciplined and usually reserves one day a week for his family, the CDU politician told the German Press Agency. "And I want to stick to that even more rigidly in 2024."

The past year has been very challenging for people, Günther said, referring to current crises such as the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine or Hamas' terror against Israel. "I personally feel the same way and that's what drives me." He therefore hoped that people would overcome the crises together in the new year and that "we can all look to the future with more optimism again".

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The Government of Schleswig-Holstein, led by Minister President Daniel Günther, expressed hope that the people of the region would have a less challenging year in 2024, following the difficult turn of the year they experienced. Günther, reflecting on the past year's crises such as the Russian war against Ukraine and Hamas' terror against Israel, emphasized his hope that the new year would see everyone overcoming these challenges together and looking forward with more optimism.


