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Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schlewig-Holstein, enters the state parliament.

Günther expects MPK to take action on refugee policy

Ahead of the Minister Presidents' Conference with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in Berlin on Monday, Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) has called for action. In terms of refugee policy, this would mean a significant acceleration of the procedure, Günther said in Kiel on Friday. He went into the meeting with very high expectations.

Procedures for people from countries with a low recognition rate should be completed within three months if possible. This also means "that we must of course also carry out repatriations, that we must also very quickly differentiate between those who have prospects of staying and those who have no grounds for asylum". The federal states have articulated this often enough, said Günther. "The federal government has made many announcements and now action must follow. That is the expectation of many people and we have to live up to it on Monday."

Regarding the financing of refugee costs, Günther recalled earlier regulations. The federal government took on more financial responsibility when more people arrived. "Everything that the federal government has put on the table so far is nowhere near enough."

However, there were also other important topics to discuss at the meeting. "I am very optimistic that we are finally making progress on the issue of speeding up planning." This had been put off for a long time "But we have noticed in the preliminary talks that there is movement on the part of the federal government."

He will also once again address the issue of compulsory insurance for natural hazards very clearly. All 16 federal states have spoken out in favor of this. "The Federal Chancellor has promised us that if all 16 of us want this, such compulsory insurance will be introduced and it must now be implemented as quickly as possible." The Baltic storm surge in Schleswig-Holstein had just made it clear how necessary this was.

The federal government needs to expedite the repatriation process and differentiate between refugees with prospects of staying and those without grounds for asylum, as stated by Günther, to meet the expectations of many people regarding refugee policy. In the upcoming Minister Presidents' Conference, Günther expects the federal government to deliver on its promises made about financing refugee costs, as the current allocations are insufficient.


