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Günther bridges the "knowledge gap" by touring a correctional institution.

The Minister President, Günther, and Justice Minister, von der Decken, visit the prison in Lübeck and discuss the facility and future law enforcement personnel.

Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein.
Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein.

The leader of a country's government. - Günther bridges the "knowledge gap" by touring a correctional institution.

The Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther, has filled in a "knowledge gap" after visiting the Justice Detention Center (JVA) in Lübeck, as per his own admissions. This is the first time he's visited a detention center since assuming the role, stated the CDU member on Friday. To his surprise, he found that the staff was carrying out their responsibilities efficiently.

Apprehension is required by law, as per Günther's understanding. Individuals who have committed serious offenses must face consequences. Similarly, Justice Minister Kerstin von der Decken (CDU) stressed the challenging nature of the detention officers' job. They are tasked with maintaining order according to the court orders while also helping prisoners rehabilitate themselves.

Since the beginning of the year, Minister von der Decken has been advocating for more young recruits to work in prisons. According to her, the detention system's personnel requires reinforcement.

A significant part of the tour involved examining the psychiatric assistance offered to the inmates in the JVA. The minister stated that many prisoners needed psychiatric care, and this was usually associated with drug usage prior to incarceration.

A two-story building with 25 treatment places is being planned at the JVA, indicating information received. The construction is expected to commence towards the end of this year, and the opening is projected for 2027. While the project's expenses amount to approximately 20.9 million euros.

Read also:

  1. During his visit, Minister President Günther praised the CDU's commitment to improving the healthcare and rehabilitation services within Schleswig-Holstein's correctional facilities.
  2. The leader of the CDU in Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther, has expressed his support for Justice Minister von der Decken's plan to hire more mental health professionals for the Lübeck correctional facility.
  3. In response to the growing need for mental health support within Schleswig-Holstein's correctional facilities, the CDU-led government is planning to construct a new psychiatric unit at the JVA in Lübeck, as revealed by Minister President Günther.
  4. While touring the JVA in Lübeck, Minister President Günther emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of criminal behavior, such as substance abuse, which often require psychiatric interventions.



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