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Gunter Netzer marks his 80th birthday with great contentment.

Throughout his athletic career, Günter Netzer was regarded as a musical sensation and a rule-breaker. In his post-playing years, he describes his existence as monotonous. This upcoming Saturday, the retired football art connoisseur will celebrate his 80th birthday.

- Gunter Netzer marks his 80th birthday with great contentment.

renowned footballer Günter Netzer gets interrupted during an uncommon moment. "Oops, sorry about that", he mutters into the phone, sounding elderly and amused. "You've managed to catch me at a moment I hardly experience in my day-to-day life." In the background, you can hear station announcements and people talking.

He's at the train station, about to board his train. He needs to end the call right away, he politely explains. "Or else, I'll miss my train." He assures they'll connect again in the afternoon, at the exact prearranged time.

Despite his age, Netzer remains a wordsmith and a gentleman. It's not just the punctuality that impresses, but the way he expresses his thoughts. His sentences are as distinct as his gameplay once was. He plays with words, much like he did with Gerhard Delling during his TV expert days.

He is mesmerized by diving and gymnastics

His sentences dance fluently, much like a ball would under his foot. Netzer uses words like "blissful" when describing his current life. It's convincing, not just because of the words he chooses, but the manner he says them.

This upcoming Saturday, Netzer turns an impressive 80 years old. The conversation inevitably shifts to his current life. It's been a while since we've heard much from the football legend. He attentively follows the Olympic Games in Paris.

"I've never paid much attention to diving until now", he marvels. "The things these athletes can do is just amazing." Or gymnasts: "That captivating elegance! I never thought I'd watch for more than ten seconds. Now I've spent hours watching - because I'm an aesthetic person and I've felt blissful."

These sentences are what make you chuckle during a conversation with him. You can hear his fascination, without him making it explicit. He simply speaks like Günter Netzer. His tone stays consistent, his choice of words creative.

"I'm incredibly content with my life", he declares. "Contentment is what I've always sought." He seems to have achieved it. He enjoys having no commitments, he shares. "My life is so uninteresting, just how it should be for an 80-year-old." There's a hidden smile in his voice.

Boredom is the last thing you'd associate with Netzer's life. Here's a popular story to remember: Düsseldorf's Rheinstadion, June 23, 1973, a significant event in the past, but still a reality. Gladbach star Netzer was on the bench, his transfer to Real Madrid imminent.

The Defiant Substitution

With the score at 1:1, just before the end, he had had enough. "I'm playing now", he called out to his coach Hennes Weisweiler. With only a minute left, he substitute himself in, scoring the winning goal shortly after. Ironically, it was his last game for the Borussia.

Netzer was a rebel, a non-conformist, the media described him. He sported long hair and eccentric clothing, drove luxury cars, had a disco in his early years, and got into frequent arguments with Weisweiler. It's all history now. He currently lives in Zurich, happily spending time with his family. Football, he mentions, holds a lesser importance in his life now.

He'll likely organize a similar celebration on his birthday this coming Saturday. Details of the party are kept under wraps, but he hints at a cozy gathering with close friends. "A low-key affair", he promises, adding, "I hope it'll be a memorable day." Suitable, indeed, for his new lifestyle.

The Swiss city of Zurich is now home to the former football legend, Günter Netzer. Despite his rebellious past, he leads a more settled life in Switzerland, focusing more on his family than football.

Netzer's fondness for sports hasn't waned, though. He's particularly captivated by the Olympic Games in Paris, expressing admiration for the athleticism displayed in diving and gymnastics.

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