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Guests have to pay bed tax in Hanover

Bed tax already has to be paid in some places - now also in Lower Saxony's state capital. One association is critical.

A room key hangs in the door lock in a guest house.
A room key hangs in the door lock in a guest house.

Hospitality industry - Guests have to pay bed tax in Hanover

From the beginning of the new year, guests in Hanover will have to pay a bed tax. According to the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) in Hanover, this tax will be at least 50 cents, but usually around five euros, as the association announced. The association criticized the additional costs for guests and the bureaucratic burden for hoteliers.

The state capital of Lower Saxony, Hanover, had decided to introduce a bed tax due to high debts and a tight financial situation. The council passed a resolution to this effect in spring last year.

At the time, the city said that the tax would raise around ten million euros. A treasurer said in the spring that the new tax was also intended to help promote Hanover as a convention and tourism location - 30 percent of the tax revenue was to be used for this purpose.

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