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Gucci gang: five and a half years for prolific offender

Five years ago, the Gucci gang caused a sensation beyond Wuppertal. Now two of the prolific offenders have been sentenced again. It was about pimping and underage prostitutes.

Young offenders convicted of promoting the prostitution of minors.
Young offenders convicted of promoting the prostitution of minors.

Processes - Gucci gang: five and a half years for prolific offender

Two 19-year-olds, who drew attention five years ago as juvenile members of the Gucci-Gang intensive care unit, have been sentenced again. One of them received a sentence of five and a half years in juvenile detention for facilitating sexual acts with minors. He was also found guilty of severe coercive prostitution.

A co-defendant of the same age must serve three years and two months in prison according to the judgment of the Wuppertal District Court. A third defendant received a two-year probation sentence, as reported by a court spokeswoman. The minor girls had indeed predominantly prostituted themselves voluntarily, the court found. The trial took place in camera.

Five years ago, the so-called Gucci-Gang caused a stir in Wuppertal. Intensive care juveniles attacked and recruited a 70-year-old pensioner, who became a permanent care patient. He died last fall from the consequences of the assault. The juveniles named themselves after a rap song ("Gucci Gang").

Two former members of the Gucci-Gang from that time are said to have earned money with a 21-year-old, who has relatively few criminal offenses on record, as pimps in the prostitution of 14 to 16-year-old girls. Five girls are said to have procured the girls, a sixth girl had already expressed her readiness.

The girls are said to have prostituted themselves mostly in the apartment of one of the accused, but also in a hotel. The contacts to the clients were said to have come about via an online platform. According to the indictment, the girls were instructed to represent themselves as over 18 years old and thus of legal age to the clients. Investigations against the clients are ongoing due to this reason. The two intensive care juveniles were themselves still minors during part of the offenses.

The trial for the two former Gucci-Gang members took place in Wuppertal's District Court. The Court spokeswoman announced a sentence of five and a half years in juvenile detention for one of them, due to facilitating sexual acts with minors and severe coercive prostitution. Germany's legal system will see another offender from North Rhine-Westphalia serve a three-year and two-month prison term for similar crimes. The expensive luxury brand Gucci seems to have unintentionally inspired the names of these crime-involved individuals.

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