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Growth of the top 100 German companies weakens

Political uncertainties around the world are weighing on German companies. Major leaps in growth are not expected in the coming year either.

Employees of the Stuttgart-based car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz work in Factory 56 at
Employees of the Stuttgart-based car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz work in Factory 56 at the Sindelfingen plant.

Study - Growth of the top 100 German companies weakens

According to a study,Germany's top 100 listed companies have felt the effects of the difficult business environment this year. According to data from auditing firm EY, 66 of the 100 companies with the highest turnover recorded an increase in revenue in the first nine months, while 34 recorded a decline compared to the same period last year. In the previous year, almost all companies (93%) had increased their turnover. EY does not expect any major leaps in growth in the coming year.

"The headwind is increasing," said Henrik Ahlers, CEO of EY Germany. "Many companies have only grown slightly recently - if at all - often with growth rates below the rate of inflation." The global political uncertainties and wars led to considerable uncertainty among both companies and the population.

Growth driver automotive industry

According to the data, the automotive industry was still the growth driver of the Top 100 this year, with turnover increasing by 11% in the first nine months. However, the air is getting thinner and thinner for the industry in view of sluggish global new car sales, said Ahlers.

According to the figures, other industrial companies recorded an overall increase in turnover of 5 percent in the first three quarters, while trading companies recorded an increase of 4 percent. Things were worse for the healthcare sector, which recorded a 12% drop in revenue following the coronavirus boom. Logistics companies shrank by 14%, while the chemical industry recorded a drop of 20%. The sharpest drop in turnover was recorded by energy suppliers at 44% due to the significant fall in electricity prices.

The combined operating result (EBIT) of the groups rose sharply by 32% to a good 135 billion euros compared to the same period last year. However, the increase was primarily due to the record loss of almost 45 billion euros incurred by the energy group Uniper in the wake of the gas crisis in 2022. This pushed the overall balance sheet down at the time. If the effect is excluded, this would result in a decline in total profit of 8 percent in the first three quarters of 2023.

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