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Growing user numbers for Thuringian school cloud

During the coronavirus pandemic, the platform experienced a significant surge in usage. The number of users continues to rise now - albeit with restrictions.

Pupils can use the school cloud for learning.
Pupils can use the school cloud for learning.

Education - Growing user numbers for Thuringian school cloud

Access to teaching materials and exchange opportunities: The number of users on the Thuringian Schoolcloud continues to increase. Approximately 227,000 users were registered on the platform just before the summer holidays, according to a response from the Education Ministry to a parliamentary inquiry by FDP Landtagsabgeordnete Franziska Baum. The user base has grown continuously since the platform was introduced and received a significant boost during the digital teaching period of the Corona pandemic. The platform can also be used for video conferences. In the school year 2019/20, there were still 100,000 registered users.

Numbers are subject to fluctuations

However, this only refers to nominally registered users. The number of accounts actively used by students fluctuates roughly in accordance with the respective year group sizes in the school years. Most recently, around 156,400 student accounts were actively used. The number of active accounts used by teachers and staff, on the other hand, remained relatively stable and amounted to approximately 29,700.

According to the information provided, the number of registered schools and educational institutions has also significantly increased: From approximately 500 in the school year 2019/20 to around 920 currently. Eighty-four schools are not currently using the offer. Of these, 76 are schools in private ownership. Among the other eight state schools, there are reportedly six elementary schools.

The Education Ministry has budgeted around 3.7 million euros annually for the operation and development of the Schoolcloud.

  1. The increase in the number of users on the Thuringian Schoolcloud, particularly among children, has been a significant outcome of the digital teaching period during the Coronavirus pandemic.
  2. Despite the rise in registered users, FDP Landtagsabgeordnete Franziska Baum emphasizes the importance of ensuring equal access to technology and education for all Thuringian children.
  3. The BMBF has also expressed support for the initiatives of the Education Ministry in Thuringia, recognizing the potential of the Schoolcloud in promoting digital literacy among youth.
  4. In response to the growing number of users, the Schoolcloud has introduced additional features, including tools for video conferences and collaboration, which are proving popular among teachers and students in Erfurt and beyond.
  5. To further expand the platform and improve its functionality, the Education Ministry in Thuringia has sought partnerships with local technology companies, aiming to increase the number of users and enhance the accessibility of the platform.
  6. With the aim of making the benefits of digital education more accessible to children and youth in Thuringia, the Schoolcloud has launched a series of workshops and training sessions, encouraging more schools to join the platform and take advantage of its resources.

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