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Growing need for counseling for extremism dropouts

What can you do if you want to leave extremist structures? The Konex advice center helps and is increasingly involved with young people seeking advice.

The annual report of the Competence Center against Extremism is on display in the state parliament.
The annual report of the Competence Center against Extremism is on display in the state parliament.

Extremism - Growing need for counseling for extremism dropouts

In the south, more and more children and adolescents, who are entangled in politically or religiously motivated extremism, are being advised at the state-owned Competence Center against Extremism (Konex). It is striking that in the past years, the number of those wishing to leave has significantly increased in the counseling, said a spokesperson for the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Stuttgart. Their share was already 30 percent in 2023 - ten percent more than the previous year. "This trend does not abate in 2024," she said. 88 percent of the inquirers were male.

Overall, the number of those seeking help at Konex because they want to leave radicalized structures and be advised on it has increased. In 2023, there were nearly 200 new cases, this year there have already been over 100, the LKA spokesperson said. According to the reports, there were only 100 in total in the two previous years - 2022 and 2021.

Konex has been active in the areas of Islamism and Right-wing Extremism since 2018, according to the reports. Since 2021, people have also been advised who wanted to withdraw from foreign-related extremism and Left-wing extremism. In this competence center, a team of twelve, consisting of employees from the fields of Islamic Studies, Psychology, Pedagogy, and Police, takes care of those wishing to leave.

People are supported in leaving the respective scene and are also cared for in detention if they have already served a prison sentence. Families and relatives are also advised.

Website Konex

  1. The rise in youth seeking help at Konex in Baden-Württemberg's southwest, such as those in Stuttgart, reflects a concerning trend in politically or religiously motivated extremism among the region's children and adolescents.
  2. With Stuttgart's LKA reporting a 30% increase in individuals seeking advice at the Competence Center against Extremism (Konex) in 2023, concerns over extremism among youth continue to grow throughout Southwest Germany.
  3. Konex, operating in Baden-Württemberg since 2018, has expanded its services to include advice for individuals seeking to distance themselves from foreign-related extremism and left-wing extremism, in addition to addressing cases of Islamism and Right-wing Extremism.
  4. In Baden-Württemberg, the fight against terrorism and extremism at the grassroots level continues, with the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Stuttgart and competence centers like Konex playing a crucial role in supporting vulnerable youth and families in the Southwest.

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