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Group attacks three men with punches and kicks

Several young people are said to have attacked three men with kicks and punches outside a supermarket in the Berlin district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf. A 39-year-old man suffered serious injuries on Wednesday evening, as the police reported on Thursday. The three men had tried to calm down the...

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Crime - Group attacks three men with punches and kicks

Several young people are said to have attacked three men with kicks and punches outside a supermarket in the Berlin district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf. A 39-year-old man suffered serious injuries on Wednesday evening, police said on Thursday. The three men had tried to calm down the group of around 20 people, who had allegedly thrown snowballs at supermarket visitors.

According to the police, the 39-year-old man was suddenly punched in the face. "Up to eight people" then kicked him - including against his head. A 31-year-old man reportedly tried to help the man and was then attacked himself with punches and kicks to the head.

According to the police, several young people from the group also directly attacked a 42-year-old man who tried to calm the group down. When the police arrived, the suspects reportedly fled. According to police, a 19-year-old suspect was later identified.

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