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Ground-breaking ceremony for rail ring around Frankfurt

The western regional bypass is one of the most important infrastructure projects in the Rhine-Main region. Following the start of construction on the southern section last year, work can now begin on the northern section. Three new stops and five new bridges are to be built on this...

The display of a regional train shows the word "Deutschland-Ticket".
The display of a regional train shows the word "Deutschland-Ticket".

Railroad - Ground-breaking ceremony for rail ring around Frankfurt

The western regional bypass is one of the most important infrastructure projects in the Rhine-Main region. Following the start of construction on the southern section last year, work can now begin on the northern section. Three new stops and five new bridges are to be built on this approximately 16-kilometer stretch from Bad Homburg via Praunheim to Eschborn.

Hesse's Minister for Economic Affairs, Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens), will hold the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony for this construction section this Friday (10 a.m.) in Eschborn and hand over the funding decision from the state. Knut Ringat, Managing Director of the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund, and Frankfurt's Head of Transport Wolfgang Siefert (Greens) will also be present.

The Regional Tangent West is the first step towards a rail ring around Frankfurt. It is to be 52 kilometers long, 22 kilometers of which are to be newly built by 2028. The costs for the entire project are estimated at 1.1 billion euros.

Regional bypass west

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