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Grote unveils a fresh report on defending constitutionality in Hamburg.

What potential risks endanger the democratic and free foundation in Hamburg? The recently launched report on protecting the constitution aims to shed light on this. Senator Grote and Bureau Chief Voss present the findings.

Andy Grote, Senator for the Interior and Sport.
Andy Grote, Senator for the Interior and Sport.

Senator from within the government institutions. - Grote unveils a fresh report on defending constitutionality in Hamburg.

Senator Andy Grote (SPD) and Hamburg's chief of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Torsten Voß, will unveil the new report on this organization on Monday (10:30 am). The intelligence agency views itself as an early warning system for democracy and its goal is to inform politics and society about the actions of democratic enemies.

The previous year's report saw a rise in Islamism. Following the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7th, there were also numerous anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic proclamations in Hamburg. In November, the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) located at the Außenalster was searched.

The previous year's report had mentioned the rising influence of the Islamic community in Hamburg. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution assigned 1755 individuals to this group, with 82% of them considered violent.

Traditionally, left-wing extremism has been dominant in Hamburg. In May, about 5000 people gathered in response to left-wing extremist group calls. However, Grote had declared right-wing extremism as the greatest threat to democracy in the prior year. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution only registered 380 individuals in Hamburg's right-wing extremist scene. In contrast, the number of people in the left-wing extremist scene was almost three times larger, with 1130.

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