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Grimm-Benne wants a portal to recruit skilled workers

There is a shortage of young talent in many sectors. Germany is dependent on the immigration of skilled workers. The Ministry of Labor in Saxony-Anhalt wants to improve recruitment.

Saxony-Anhalt Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD)
Saxony-Anhalt Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD)

Grimm-Benne wants a portal to recruit skilled workers

Saxony-Anhalt Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) is relying on a central arrival portal in the state for the recruitment of international specialists. "A company that wants to recruit perhaps 20 or 30 nurses from Brazil or India must be able to rely on the support of authorities and advice centers. This must become a little more business-friendly," the SPD politician told the German Press Agency. No skilled worker should be lost due to bureaucratic hurdles and a standardized procedure should be developed.

The digital, multilingual arrival portal is intended to relieve the burden on immigration authorities. The aim is also to offer companies and skilled workers guidance and support in clarifying questions relating to residence law. "At the same time, such a portal saves the immigration authorities work if documents are pre-sorted and support services are included," said Grimm-Benne. The local immigration authorities are complaining of a high workload due to the increased number of refugees.

"We need immigration on the labor market," emphasized the Minister of Labor. We are in competition with other federal states. Transparency is therefore needed for access routes, responsibilities and speeding up the processing of applications. "That is why I have spoken out in favor of joining forces. However, this is not about disempowering the districts and not about creating a new state authority. It's about providing a service for local authorities, skilled workers and companies."

Most recently, the district councillors had spoken out against the centralization of immigration authorities. A new authority would not solve any of the current problems, they said. Following a consultation with the state government in October, Federal Labour Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) emphasized that 8 out of 16 federal states had centralized their immigration tasks. It was necessary to discuss how the procedures could be accelerated. "It can't stay the way it is now," said Heil.

Grimm-Benne suggested that improving the recruitment process for nursing professions in the labor market could help alleviate bureaucratic challenges, making it more conducive for businesses to hire skilled workers from abroad. This could potentially attract more skilled workers to Saxony-Anhalt, enhancing the region's competitiveness in attracting talent.



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