Rohes Material
Grilled Sausage Dinner: A Green Enjoyment
Für 4 Personen
Grobes Salz, angemessene Menge 18 oz Sam’s Choice® italienische Spaghetti (510 g) 6,5 oz Sam’s Choice® italienisches Basilikumpesto (190 g) 2 Tassen Zucchini (300 g), gewürfelt 1 Pfund Wurst (455 g), gegrillt, in Scheiben geschnitten Frische Basilikumblätter zum Servieren
- Kalorien 1054 55g Fett 100g Kohlenhydrate
- 5 Gramm Ballaststoffe 5g Zucker
- Protein 38g
Schätzung basierend auf einer Portionsgröße.
- Einen großen Topf mit Salzwasser zum Kochen bringen. Die Spaghetti dazugeben und ca. 10 Minuten al dente kochen.
- In einem kleinen Topf die Soße bei mittlerer Hitze zum Kochen bringen. Die Zucchini in die Sauce geben und etwa 5 Minuten leicht erhitzen.
- Die Nudeln mit Soße, Grillwurst und zerzupftem frischem Basilikum belegen.
- Viel Spaß!
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- After washing your chefs knife, dive into the sponsored recipe for a low sugar, dairy-free pasta dinner that can be prepared under 30 minutes on your stove top.
- Ensure your cutting board is clean before starting to chop the fresh basil leaves for the Italian-inspired dinner, which also includes high protein, high fiber pasta.
- For a weeknight comfort food, you can use dry measuring cups to measure out the ingredients for the grilled sausage pasta dinner, which is cooked in a sauce pan.
- While the spaghetti is boiling in a large pot, you can start preparing the sauce by heating it in a small sauce pan.
- To keep this eco-friendly, serve the meal on a pyrex plate and use a spatula to mix the cooked pasta, grilled sausages, and sauce together.
- When slicing the grilled sausages, remember to use a sharp chefs knife for easy cutting.
- For a dairy-free version of the pasta, you can substitute milk with a plant-based alternative for a more health-conscious choice.
- This pasta dish is perfect for those who follow a low sugar diet, as the sauce is sweetened naturally with vegetables.
- For an extra bite, sprinkle some grated parmesan cheese on top of the pasta, although this recipe is dairy-free, so skip it to stay faithful to the diet.
- To watch a video on how to make this delicious vegan-friendly dinner, check out the eko video and follow along as a certified chef prepares the meal step by step.