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Greifswald's mayor among the finalists - alongside Klitschko

Greifswald's Lord Mayor Stefan Fassbinder could become World Mayor 2023. However, he has a prominent rival from Ukraine.

Stefan Fassbinder (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Lord Mayor, stands in front of the Wieck port
Stefan Fassbinder (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Lord Mayor, stands in front of the Wieck port office (district of Greifswald).

Election as world mayor - Greifswald's mayor among the finalists - alongside Klitschko

Greifswald's Lord Mayor Stefan Fassbinder (Greens) has made it to the final of the World Mayor 2023 selection, joining nine city leaders from around the world, including Kiev's Mayor Vitali Klitschko, as the City of Greifswald announced on Wednesday. The World Mayor Prize has been awarded every two years since 2004 by the British City Mayors Foundation. The new winner is to be determined in a further selection process at the beginning of 2024.

According to the information provided, 92 mayors from 40 different countries were originally nominated for this year's award. This year, special commitment to city friendships and international relations is being honored.

"It's incredible," Fassbinder was quoted as saying. Making it to the final round is not only thanks to him, but also to the many people who take care of contacts with Greifswald's twin towns and friendly cities. According to Greifswald, it has twin cities in Sweden, Poland and the USA as well as friendly cities in Brazil, China and Ukraine.

Information on the World Mayor Prize

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