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Greifswald: 2024 without originally planned cuts

Greifswald can forego originally planned cuts in the 2024 budget. "This was possible because prudent budget planning and an improved economic situation in Greifswald meant that the city's finances developed better than originally expected," Mayor Stefan Fassbinder (Greens) was quoted as saying...

Stefan Fassbinder (Alliance 90/The Greens), Lord Mayor of Greifswald.
Stefan Fassbinder (Alliance 90/The Greens), Lord Mayor of Greifswald.

Household - Greifswald: 2024 without originally planned cuts

Greifswald can forego originally planned cuts in the 2024 budget. "This was possible because prudent budget planning and an improved economic situation in Greifswald meant that the city's finances developed better than originally expected," Mayor Stefan Fassbinder (Greens) was quoted as saying in a statement on Monday. Originally planned cuts in the areas of culture, sport, education and social affairs could therefore be canceled, according to the statement.

As recently as the summer, the administration had assumed a deficit of several million euros. On the instructions of the Schwerin Ministry of the Interior, the city had therefore drawn up a list for 2024, which, in addition to fee increases, also included cuts as possible cost-saving measures.

"Within the administration, we have scrutinized every expense this year and turned over every cent twice," explained Fassbinder. The city has also benefited from lower energy prices, higher trade tax revenues and allocations from the state. Because certain projects were delayed, expenditure was also lower. The city expects a positive annual result.

Read also:

  1. Due to the improved financial situation in mecklenburg-vorpommern's municipalities, there might be a reduction in the level of cuts planned for household expenditures in various cities, including Greifswald.
  2. The city of Greifswald's education sector could potentially benefit from the cancellation of originally planned cuts, thanks to the city's improved finances and prudent budget planning.
  3. In light of the positive financial development in Greifswald, other municipalities in mecklenburg-vorpommern may consider reviewing their own budget plans, potentially leading to a reduction in planned cuts in areas like household expenses, culture, sport, and social affairs.


