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Greens in Saxony increase membership figures

The most recent election results for the Greens in Saxony were not exactly rosy. However, the party has recorded growth elsewhere.

Dresden: Saxony's Greens increase membership figures
Dresden: Saxony's Greens increase membership figures

Parties - Greens in Saxony increase membership figures

Saxon Greens can rejoice in having more members. Since the beginning of the year, around 360 new members have joined, announced party chairwoman Christin Furtenbacher in Dresden. In the past six months, over ten percent was invested and the strongest membership growth among all Green state associations was achieved.

"It's great to see how many people in Saxony want to defend our democracy and freedom together with us. They are clear: In order for there to be a stable majority of democratic parties in the Saxon State Parliament after September 1, strong Green-Alliance is needed", explained Furtenbacher, looking towards the State Elections.

Loss of 4.4 percentage points in EU Elections

The membership growth should be balm for the souls of the Greens in Saxony. In the Free State they had only received 5.9 percent of the votes in the EU elections on June 9, 4.4 percentage points less than five years ago.

At the district elections, they achieved values between 2.0 percent (Erzgebirgskreis) and 4.4 percent (Landkreis Meißen). It looked better in the big cities. According to the latest surveys for the State Elections, the party was polling at five or seven percent.

At the State Elections 2019, they had achieved 8.6 percent of the second votes. Since then, the Greens have been part of a coalition in the Free State with the CDU and the SPD.

The Green Party in Saxony, with their increased membership following the addition of around 360 new members, hopes to contribute to a stable majority of democratic parties in the upcoming State Election in Dresden. Despite losing 4.4 percentage points in the EU elections, the party aims to surpass their previous performance of 8.6% in the second votes during the State Elections 2019.

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