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Greens criticize "announcement budget"

The Greens in Berlin's House of Representatives have sharply criticized the double budget for 2024/2025. In the general debate on the budget on Thursday, parliamentary group leader Bettina Jarasch spoke of an "announcement budget that promises everything to everyone, uses up the city's last...

Bettina Jarasch (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), leader of the parliamentary group in the Berlin House
Bettina Jarasch (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), leader of the parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives.

Household - Greens criticize "announcement budget"

The Greens in Berlin's House of Representatives have sharply criticized the double budget for 2024/2025. In the general debate on the budget on Thursday, parliamentary group leader Bettina Jarasch spoke of an "announcement budget that promises everything to everyone, uses up the city's last financial reserves and will nevertheless result in an orgy of cuts and social cuts".

The coalition partners CDU and SPD wanted to distribute money that was not actually there. This would further inflate the budget. "As if there is no tomorrow," said Jarasch. "We are looking at a budget that is already a waste of money and will definitely not carry Berlin through the next few years." The coalition is not living up to its responsibilities. "And in doing so, it is not doing justice to Berlin and the Berliners."

CDU parliamentary group leader Dirk Stettner, on the other hand, spoke of a responsible budget. The coalition is focusing on housing and school construction, better equipment for the police, fire department and emergency services, investment in local public transport and reasonable pay for state employees. Another focus is social cohesion in the city, and a lot of money is also being invested in the fight against anti-Semitism.

The double budget, which was to be passed in parliament this evening, has a volume of 39.3 billion euros for 2024 and 40.5 billion euros for 2025. Never before has there been such high expenditure. A large item is allocations to the districts (around 11 billion euros each), with a particularly large amount of money also going towards personnel and investments. As the debt brake applies, the budget will not be financed by new loans. Instead, certain reserves will be used up - which will then no longer be available in the future.

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