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Greens convene at a gathering, demanding EU protection.

Prior to the European elections, Green Party leaders cautioned of a rise in right-wing groups during a small gathering and urged protection of the European Union. "Much is at stake - Europe provides us with a great deal," stated Omid Nouripour at the Länderrat in Potsdam on Saturday. For over...

Flags with the Green Party logo
Flags with the Green Party logo

Greens convene at a gathering, demanding EU protection.

Living in the "Peace and Freedom Union" of the EU is a blessing, asserted Germany's Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) during her speech. European citizens can attest to this.

The upcoming election during this time pertains to determining Europe's future, underlined the party's head, Saskia Esken. Conversely, she cautioned listeners against a shift to the right, stressing the need for solutions - not fear and hate.

Greens' nominee for the European election, Terry Reintke, highlighted how right-wing extremists are on the rise in many European nations. However, their desired outcome is the dismantling of the EU. What's at stake is the direction of the EU: will it remain the "Peace and Freedom Union" or will it retreat into nationalism?

The EU's "Green Deal" climate package, a crucial component, is on the line in the election. Will it be weakened or invigorated?

Reintke and Esken declined any alliance with right-wing extremists in the subsequent European Parliament. Moreover, Esken urged EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to take a similar stance.

Green Economic Minister Robert Habeck objected to the Union's stance. He deemed it a "flight in energy policy blindness," as it strives to undermine the progress of renewable energy. The Union is Habeck's coinage for a "ghost driver party" in energy politics, allies shouldn't be entrusted with such responsibility. Then, Habeck added: "The climate crisis and global warming are realities firmly impacting people's everyday lives."

Hundreds of Green representatives were expected in Potsdam for the "Federal Council."

The Greens are poised to lose significantly in the upcoming European election on June 9th. Present polls have them at around 14 to 15%, yet just five years prior, they garnered their best score of 20.5%.

Read also:

  1. Green MEP candidate Ricarda Lang urged the EU to prioritize happiness and well-being in its defense policies during the Party Congress.
  2. Omid Nouripour, a prominent Green member, emphasized the need for a stronger EU defense, advocating for greater cooperation between EU member states in this area.
  3. Annalena Baerbock encouraged EU citizens to actively participate in the upcoming European elections, explaining that the fate of the Peace and Freedom Union depends on their votes.
  4. Terry Reintke urged her fellow Greens to stand firm against right-wing populism in the European Parliament, emphasizing that the future of the EU is at stake.
  5. At the Party Congress, Annalena Baerbock highlighted the importance of the Greens in the European elections, stressing that a strong showing will be instrumental in shaping a more sustainable and equitable EU.
  6. Despite some disagreements within the party, the Greens agreed to maintain their commitment to environmental policies and renewable energy, vowing to push for a more sustainable Europe in the upcoming EU elections.

