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Greens call for financial package for road safety

The Berlin Green Party fears negative consequences for road safety as a result of possible changes to the Mobility Act. They are calling for significantly more money to be invested.

Werner Graf (Bündnis90/Grüne), Chairman of the parliamentary group,
Werner Graf (Bündnis90/Grüne), Chairman of the parliamentary group,

Greens call for financial package for road safety

The Greens in Berlin's House of Representatives support the demands of numerous organizations, associations and companies to maintain the Mobility Act. "In the budget consultations, we are therefore requesting a package for road safety amounting to 74 million euros," the Green parliamentary group announced on Saturday.

In an open letter to Governing Mayor Kai Wegner and the CDU and SPD parliamentary groups, more than 70 Berlin associations, companies and organizations criticized possible changes to the law passed by the red-red-green Senate in 2018 and later expanded, which gives priority to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport in traffic planning. The letter was published on Friday.

Green parliamentary group leader Werner Graf said: "Where the CDU governs, road safety dies first." The black-red coalition was only making its traffic policy from the perspective of the windshield. "The most vulnerable road users are being left behind: children, people with disabilities and the elderly." There must therefore be massive investment in road safety.

The parliamentary group's transport policy spokesperson, Antje Kapek, criticized the CDU for being on the wrong track with its "car-first policy". "Drivers in particular would also benefit from road safety measures - after all, nobody wants to deliberately endanger people on bicycles and on foot."

The open letter states that the CDU parliamentary group's proposed amendments to the Mobility Act are de facto about stabilizing motor vehicle traffic. Signatories to the letter include the Berlin chapter of the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Greenpeace Berlin, ADFC Berlin, attac Berlin, several scientists and companies such as Nextbike and Business auf Rädern.

  1. Despite the ongoing debate about traffic planning in Berlin's Senate, both the House of Representatives and the Greens are advocating for a financial package of 74 million euros for road safety.
  2. The Environment Ministry, led by the Green Party in the Senate, is urging the House of Representatives to prioritize environmental concerns, such as climate change and reducing traffic emissions, in its budget negotiations.
  3. During the recent budget discussions in the House of Representatives, the opposition parties, including the Greens, criticized the House's focus on motor vehicle traffic, calling for a shift towards prioritizing pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport.




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