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Greens call for additional investment in flood protection

In view of the current flooding in Germany caused by persistent rainfall, the Greens have called for additional investment in flood protection. "Where cities are right next to the water, we need additional investment in technical flood protection such as dykes and retention basins," said...

Floods in
Floods in

Greens call for additional investment in flood protection

In Germany, too, "floods and inundations are becoming more frequent and more severe", said the Green politician. "So far, we are not yet sufficiently prepared for such consequences of the climate crisis." Nature itself and healthy floodplains would be the best way to help.

"As the German government, we have launched the billion-euro Natural Climate Protection Action Program to develop natural flood barriers such as floodplains, forests and moors on a large scale," Gesenhues told the Rheinische Post newspaper. In addition, the Bundestag passed the first German climate adaptation law a few weeks ago. "It obliges the federal government, municipalities and federal states to do more for flood prevention."


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