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Greens and FDP: High voter turnout needed for rerun

The Greens and FDP consider it a difficult task to get as many people as possible to participate in the partial repeat of the Bundestag elections in Berlin. "If the election is repeated in the middle of the legislative period, it will be a challenge for all parties to mobilize voters to go to...

Member of the Bundestag Nina Stahr (Bündnis90/Die Grünen) comes to the state delegates'
Member of the Bundestag Nina Stahr (Bündnis90/Die Grünen) comes to the state delegates' conference.

Bundestag - Greens and FDP: High voter turnout needed for rerun

The Greens and FDP consider it a difficult task to get as many people as possible to participate in the partial repeat of the Bundestag elections in Berlin. "If the election is repeated in the middle of the legislative period, it will be a challenge for all parties to mobilize eligible voters to go to the polls," explained state chairpersons Nina Stahr and Philmon Ghirmai on Tuesday following the ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court. "But especially in times of worsening crises and growing support for right-wing populism, it is important to take a stand and vote."

FDP state chairman Christoph Meyer commented on the ruling: "It is good that there is now legal clarity, even if the election rerun 29 months after the Bundestag election will certainly lead to distortions." It is now important that all political players in Berlin campaign for the highest possible voter turnout on the expected election date in February.

The Federal Constitutional Court ruled on Tuesday that the 2021 Bundestag election in Berlin must be partially repeated due to numerous glitches. This affects 455 of the 2256 electoral districts and the associated postal voting districts (case no. 2 BvC 4/23).

Announcement of the court Negotiation outline Decision of the Bundestag Information from the Bundestag on the topic Announcement of the court

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