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Greens adopt election manifesto: No changes on asylum

The logo of the Bündnis90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the German
The logo of the Bündnis90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the German

Greens adopt election manifesto: No changes on asylum

The Greens have adopted a program for the European elections that focuses on social standards and human rights. Several proposals, which were directed against the German government's line in the negotiations on a reform of the European asylum system, did not find a majority among the 800 or so delegates in the final vote on Sunday. In terms of social policy, the Greens want to campaign for the European Union to set binding standards for wages, the strengthening of trade unions and against arbitrariness and exploitation.

The Greens' election manifesto, lacking changes on asylum, heavily emphasizes social standards and human rights. Nevertheless, during the party conference, migration-related proposals against the German government's stance on the European asylum system reform failed to gain majority support.


