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"Green pruning scheduled? CDU's statement prompts reactions"

A post by three politicians from Heidelberg affiliated with the CDU was intended to be humorous but instead created a commotion within a short period of its online existence, as per the party.

People walk through the main street in the city center.
People walk through the main street in the city center.

Political gatherings or events - "Green pruning scheduled? CDU's statement prompts reactions"

Three local politicians in Heidelberg have found themselves in hot water after posting a photo on social media featuring themselves standing in a field of sunflowers with chainsaws in hand, accompanied by the caption "Time for the green cuttings." The post prompted a strong reaction online, with Green MEP Michael Bloss from Stuttgart tweeting, "Chainsaws against the Greens? That's distasteful. Apologize."

In an attempt to quell the backlash, the CDU parliamentary group leader in the Heidelberg municipal council, Nicole Marmé, distanced the party from the post. She told the German Press Agency that if it had passed through her hands, it wouldn't have been released. Marmé explained that the post was created by the three local politicians themselves and wasn't an official CDU Heidelberg effort. It was only up for a short period on Saturday before being taken down and an apology issued to the Greens in Heidelberg.

The scandal left the CDU politicians feeling shocked by the intensity and nature of the reactions. They were stunned to find themselves labelled as right-wing extremists. "Even the AfD never sank this low," read one comment on the post. After realizing the mistake, they deleted the post and issued an apology through Marmé.

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