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Green MP offers apology for interruption during speech.

The senator representing the Interior addresses the state parliament regarding the killing of a police officer in Mannheim. A response is voiced by the Green parliamentary faction, with significant opposition expressed by the Greens themselves.

Plenary session in the Berlin state parliament.
Plenary session in the Berlin state parliament.

Legislative assembly - Green MP offers apology for interruption during speech.

Tuba Bozkurt, a Green party MP, has issued an apology for interrupting Interior Minister Iris Spranger (SPD) during her speech about the death of a police officer in Mannheim. She acknowledged that her action was "thoughtless and inappropriate" and expressed her deep regret. Bozkurt stated, "I offer my sincere apologies to the relatives, friends, and colleagues of Rouven L., whom I've offended with this."

The incident occurred during a question and answer session at a parliamentary session when Spranger was discussing the murder of police officer Rouven Laur in Mannheim. Laur was fatally injured by a knife-wielding attacker at an anti-Islam rally and later died in the hospital. Spranger commented, "The dreadful death in Mannheim demonstrates the need for us...", when she was interrupted with "Mannheim is dead?" and was met with laughter. "I wouldn't laugh about that," she retorted.

The Green faction in the parliament acknowledged the mistake and assured that it wouldn't happen again. They expressed their full support for the slain officer, his family, and his colleagues. "The incident will be addressed within the faction," they said.

Green's party chairman Omnid Nouripour also spoke about the incident, stating that the proper measures would be taken and expressed his apologies on behalf of his party to Laur's relatives. "[We] deal with it and recognize that such behavior is inappropriate." Nouripour continued, "I apologize to the family of Rouven L. for this."

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